ALCTS/LITA MARC Formats Interest Group Meeting - ALA Midwinter Mtg., 2003 Laura A. Sill 16 Jan 2003 13:15 UTC

**This message is cross-posted.**

ALCTS/LITA MARC Formats Interest Group Meeting
ALA Midwinter Meeting - Philadelphia
January 25, 2003
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Philadelphia Marriott Hotel, Salon I

Along with the CONSER Publications Pattern Initiative Task Force to
Explore the Use of a Universal Holdings Record, the MARC Formats
Interest Group will sponsor an interactive discussion about the
Universal Holdings Record (see the following url for a definition of the
record: on

Saturday, January 25th from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Philadelphia Marriott,
Salon I.

The meeting agenda includes an introduction to the Universal Holdings
Record by Diane Hillmann (Cornell University), chair of the CONSER Task
Force, followed by brainstorming and summary sessions.  Attendees will
be divided into small groups and be asked to consider a list of general
questions on the subject in light of a predefined scenario.

The full list of scenarios includes:
Scenario 1:  Multiple Versions/Aggregators:  How much much description
about an aggregator might go in a Universal Holdings Record in addition
to an 856?

Scenario 2:  Multiple Versions/Format:  Microform/print with identical

Scenario 3:  Multiple Versions/Format:  Print/Electronic lacking

Scenario 4:  Multiple Versions/Format:  Electronic available first with
Paper compilation following.

Scenario 5:  Multiple Bibliographic Records:  Local library record(s)
and brief records with composite aggregator information provided by
third-party vendor (e.g., Serials Solutions).

After 30-45 minutes of brainstorming in small groups, the interest group
will reconvene as a single group to share, clarify, and discuss our
thoughts and conclusions.  The primary goal of the session is to gather
input from the interest group for the CONSER Task Force on which fields
should reside in the Universal Holdings Record, as well as to provide an
opportunity for any other issues related to its use to be raised.

We hope to see you there!

Laura Sill
MFIG, chair
University of Notre Dame

Marc Truitt
MFIG, chair-elect
University of Notre Dame