Re: SCCTP sessions at ALA Annual Jean L Hirons 16 Jan 2003 12:32 UTC


Yes, you are correct. You can only take one.  I can give you a little
more detail on the two courses.

The Electronic Serials course focuses on online journals and includes
sessions on cataloging, online versions, agggregations and packages, and
various case studies. The course has been very successful since its
release last April.

The Integrating resources course includes sessions on identifying IRs,
cataloging them, maintaining the records over time, and various special
problems.  It focuses on electronic IRs--Web sites and databases, but
also includes loose-leafs.  It will be brand new this spring, but I know
its going to be really excellent.

Jean Hirons

>>> Patricia Thompson <pthompso@SEWANEE.EDU> 01/14/03 06:44PM >>>
On Monday, 13 Jan, Jean Hirons wrote:
>From: Jean L Hirons <jhir@LOC.GOV>
>Subject: SCCTP sessions at ALA Annual
>This message is being cross-posted; please excuse the duplication.
>Dear Colleagues,
>In honor of CONSER's 30th anniversary, 4 SCCTP workshops will be held
>consecutively on Friday June 20th at the ALA/CLA annual meeting in
>Toronto. Current plans are to hold two sessions of Electronic Serials
>and two sessions of the new Integrating Resources workshop, which
>be released this spring. The trainers will be Steve Shadle
>of Washington), Steve Miller (University of Wisconsin), Trina Grover
>(Ryerson University) and Elena Romaniuk (University of Victoria). The
>actual number of workshops for each course will be determined by
>Registration is now open through ALA and early bird (cheaper)
>registration is due by Feb. 22. There is information in the Dec. 2002
>American Libraries, page 81 on the Preconference. The registration
>link is at
>Additional information on the SCCTP workshops is available on the
>CONSER Web site at:

 From what I can tell from the registration materials, each session is
full day and they are all being offered on the same day so you have to
one. Is this correct? I don't know which one to pick!  Any advice from
people who have attended one?
Pat Thompson