update on RoweCom/divine phane 03 Jan 2003 20:55 UTC

I am gathering information for an update to the NewsBreak
we posted 12-20 on the Information Today site about the RoweCom/divine

I am interested in hearing from librarians about the impact of this on your
library -- and your contacts with the bankrupcy consultants (DSI), your
contacts with publishers concerning subscriptions, and any potential legal
actions against divine.
Please respond to me privately and I will summarize information for the
group if you wish.

You might also like to know about a Yahoo Group that has been established
for RoweCom creditors. Library customers and publishers can go to a site on
"http://groups.yahoo.com/group.rowecomcreditors" and sign up as group
members to receive updates.
This is only for customers and vendors, not press, so I haven't been on

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards,

Paula J. Hane
News Bureau Chief, Information Today, Inc.
Editor, NewsBreaks, Infotoday.com