Re: Proquest and moving from paper to electronic Carol Morse 20 Dec 2002 01:05 UTC

We have dropped several print subscriptions because of EbscoHost.  They
usually reproduce the journal from cover to cover, whereas Proquest does
not (at least this is my understanding of it).  Titles that are not
heavily used are not a problem, except that the publisher could pull
them from the database whenever they feel like it.  For example, Sage
pulled all its full-text out of Ebsco recently.  They are producing
their own database, which is way beyond our means (they are not tying it
to FTE, and we are a small institution).  For at least one title, I
guessed wrong.  I dropped Foreign Affairs and immediately got a lot of
negative feedback from the history majors.  They needed the current
issue for browing for their classes.  (Quite often there is an embargo
period where the latest issue is only abstracted; the full text is added
to the database when the next issue comes out).  So I had to reinstate
it.  Sometimes you have to play it by ear.  We have been quite
conservative, chosing only those titles that receive little use (we keep
use statistics).

Hope this helps,
Carol Morse

Carol Morse                                                  Tel.  509)
Serials Librarian                                             Fax 509)
Walla Walla College Library                     Email
104 S.W. Adams St.
College Place, WA  99324-1586

Give us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.

>>> ad1985@WAYNE.EDU 12/19/02 03:11PM >>>
Do any of you have experience with dropping print subscriptions in
favor of
access to full text through Proquest?  Any thought, problems,


Diane Paldan
Serials Librarian
Serials/Preservation Team
Resource Acquisitions and Metadata Services (RAMS)
Resource Development and Management (RD&M)

137 Science and Engineering Library
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI  48202

(313) 577-0222