Re: Faxon/RoweCom/divine Rick Anderson 19 Dec 2002 23:53 UTC

> ***Winnie-the-Pooh must have a saying that covers this, but I am not
> coming up with it.

I believe the one you're thinking of is "Oh, bother!" (or its intensified
version, "Oh, help AND bother!").

To my mind, what is most telling in this situation is the fact that Faxon
has not yet responded publicly after two days of fairly intense online
conversation on this topic.  If they had anything reassuring to tell us, I'm
fairly certain they would have done so by now.  The fact that they have not
yet said anything in this forum strikes me as a very discouraging sign.

I wonder what effect this exchange has had on EBSCO's Q3 sales forecasts?

Rick Anderson
Director of Resource Acquisition
The University Libraries
University of Nevada, Reno          "It takes a pretty good
1664 No. Virginia St.                meeting to be better
Reno, NV  89557                      than no meeting at all."
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