New AACR2 Title Changes and "Utne" Chris Blackman 09 Dec 2002 22:05 UTC

There is a relatively new CONSER verified record in OCLC for "Utne", the
new title variation of "Utne Reader". I'm confused by this as it is my
understanding that dropping "Reader" from the title no longer requires a
new record by the AACR2 2002 revision that was instituted on Dec. 1
(However, the record was created in October and it may have been
verified before Dec. 1).

I would have thought CONSER would err on the side of not verifying such
a new record. Am I wrong about the new 'new record' requirements? Any



Christine Blackman
Catalog Librarian
Williams College Libraries
55 Sawyer Library Drive.
Williamstown, MA  01267
(413) 597-4403