2003 Library Transborder Forum/FORO Transfronterizo de Bibliotecas 2003 Lisa Furubotten 02 Dec 2002 18:26 UTC

We would like to be sure that we issue a special invitation to our
Serials colleagues and friends  for the 2003 Transborder FORO.    FORO,
the Transborder Library Forum, is a volunteer organization which works
to provide a venue for the cooperative exchange of ideas and discussion
of experiences and efforts concerning the provision of library services
in the binational border regions between the U.S. and Mexico, and

The origins of the Forum date from 1988, when librarians from Arizona
and Sonora identified the need to improve communication between
Libraries in Mexico and the United States. In 1990, librarians from
Arizona and Sonora invited their colleagues from the United States and
Mexico to take part in the organization of the 1st FORO, which took
place in Rio Rico, Arizona. The following year, librarians from
Hermosillo, Sonora were hosts. Subsequently, the FORUM conferences have
been held in El Paso, Texas (1993); Monterrey, Nuevo León (1994); Mexico
City (1995); Tucson, Arizona (1996); Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua (1997);
Riverside, California (1998); Mexicali, Baja California (1999);
Albuquerque, New Mexico (2000), and Hermosillo, Sonora (2001).

Texas A&M University Libraries is pleased to host the 2003 FORO and to
extend a cordial invitation to the library community and others involved
with the provision of information services to join us in College
Station, TX March 28-30, for the 2003 Transborder Library Forum:
"Freedom Beyond Borders:  Information Networking in Action."

This year's FORO conference will precede the Texas Library Association
Annual Meeting in Houston, TX April 1-4, to enable colleagues who desire
to attend both meetings to do so easily.

The 2003 FORO Website can be found at: http://library.tamu.edu/foro


Lisa Furubotten
Head, Serials Cataloging
Texas A&M General Libraries