NASIG invites applications for Marcia Tuttle International Grant Maggie Rioux 02 Dec 2002 15:03 UTC

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information links are included in the announcement.
Maggie Rioux
NASIG Publicist
2003 Marcia Tuttle International Grant


The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is currently seeking
candidates for a $2000 grant to provide funding for an individual
working in any area of the serials information chain to foster
international communication and education through activities such as but
not limited to research, collaborative projects, job exchanges, and
presentation of papers at conferences.  Applicants may be either North
American serialists seeking funding for appropriate overseas activities
or serialists outside North America seeking funding for appropriate
activities in North America.

The grant is named in honor of Marcia Tuttle.  Marcia was one of a
select few to attend a United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) conference in
1984, a meeting of minds/ideas, which resulted in a genesis of our own
national serials organization (NASIG). The North American Serials
Interest Group held its first conference in 1986.  Marcia was present at
the first NASIG conference and has attended many NASIG Conferences
since.  She served as chair of the Conference Planning Committee (CPC)
for the Tenth Anniversary Conference held at Duke University in 1996.
She has chaired the ALA RTSD (now ALCTS) Serials Section.  Marcia
currently serves as an associate moderator for SERIALST.  She has taught
a generation of serials librarians (and some vendors) in her serials
courses at the library school at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.  Marcia loves to travel, and she enjoys makings
presentations on serials topics.  Over the years she has been invited to
speak at meetings all over North America, as well as at conferences in
Europe, South Africa and Australia.  A number of these talks have been
published in various library journals.  Marcia Tuttle is indeed a
well-respected international librarian, and it is an honor to have this
International Grant named after her.

In addition to the grant, the recipient will also receive a one-year
NASIG membership.   The 2003 NASIG conference will be held at Portland
State University in Portland, Oregon, June 26-29, 2003.

NASIG is an international organization committed to promoting
communication and sharing of ideas among all people working with or
concerned about serial publications. More information about the
organization is available at

ELIGIBILITY:  The applicant must have at least 5 years of professional
experience in the serials information chain.  The proposed project must
deal with some aspect of serials and include foreign travel.  Foreign or
English language skills should be adequate to project needs.

The following materials are required by the applicant:

·  a completed application
·  a written proposal outlining the project and including proposed
completion dates
·  a current resume or curriculum vita
·  a minimum of 3 references, including one from the person’s supervisor
(previous supervisor may be substituted if there is no current
supervisor) and one from a colleague at a different institution or

·  a letter of support from the foreign institution or collaborator as

An essential part of this award is the dissemination of the results of
the project. The awardee is required to submit a final project report to
the NASIG Board.  This report needs to be suitable for publication in a
journal focused on serial issues such as Serials Review. The final
report should include the purpose of the project, the process followed,
the achievements, and a literature review or bibliography. The awardee
is strongly encouraged to share the results of the project by presenting
a workshop or poster session at the NASIG annual conference following
the award.

Application information will be available through the NASIG Web Page and from Philenese
Slaughter, Co-Chair, Awards & Recognition Committee. Completed
applications should be sent to:

Philenese Slaughter, Co-Chair,
NASIG Awards & Recognition Committee
Serials Librarian
Felix G. Woodward Library
Austin Peay State University
P.O. Box 4595
Clarksville, TN  37044

Phone: (931) 221-7741
Fax:  (931) 221-7296


Applications postmarked after this date will NOT be considered. Fax
submissions and electronic submissions as email attachments are

AWARD NOTIFICATION: The award recipient shall be notified by APRIL 1,