Re: using MFHD's, and Voyager? Barb Van Cleave 08 Nov 2002 18:29 UTC

Our web address is:

At 11:26 AM 11/8/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Our library (our ILS is Voyager) is looking into converting our holdings
>records to MARC Format for Holdings. We wish to look at the catalogs of
>other libraries using both Voyager and MARC Format for Holdings records.
>Thanks for dropping us a note- so we can take a look at your catalog.
>Matt Person
>Matthew A. Person
>Serials Librarian                        >)))'>
>MBL/WHOI Library
>7 MBL Street
>Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 USA
>phone: 508 289 7345  fax: 540 6902             >)))'>
>Member of NASIG - North American Serials Interest Group