-------- Original Message -------- Mon, 30 Sep 2002 16:54:21 PDT Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 16:54:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Sally Tseng <sctseng888@yahoo.com> Subject: ALCTS AACR2 2002 Revision Regional Institutes Dear Colleagues: This is a friendly reminder. The deadline for ALCTS Early Bird Special is October 18, 2002 for the Chicago and Washington, D. C. Regional Institutes. Please do not miss one of the most important continuing education in your career on the training of the 2002 Revision of AACR2! ALCTS AACR2 2002 Revision and Metadata Regional Institutes 2002-2003 Chicago (Nov. 1-2, 2002), Washington, D.C. (Nov. 4-5, 2002), Orlando, FL (Feb. 21-22, 2003), and, San Jose, CA (April 4-5, 2003) For more information and registration, please visit ALCTS Web Site at: http://www.ala.org/alcts/now/metadata.html AACR2 2002 Revision has been comprehensively revised and published in September! The Library of Congress will implement this edition on December 1, 2002! These Regional Institutes have New Faculty Members with New Training Materials with a focus on the AACR2 2002 Revision!!! They are not repeated of those held in 2001 (Boston and Dallas) and in March 2002 (San Diego) with similar title. ALCTS, a leader in the profession sponsoring authoritative continuing education programs, has invited experts to provide training at these timely AACR2 2002 Revision and Metadata Regional Institutes. They will be held in several cities across the United States: Chicago (Nov. 1-2, 2002), Washington, D.C. (Nov. 4-5, 2002), Orlando, FL (Feb. 21-22, 2003), and, San Jose, CA (April 4-5, 2003). Please come to attend one of the Institutes to get ready for this big challenge! The ALCTS AACR2 2002 Revision and Metadata Regional Institutes include experts speaking and training on new concepts, revised and expanded chapters of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd Edition, 2002 Revision, MARC 21, and the applications of these rules and formats. It also explores new approaches to cataloging resources, especially the practicalities of dealing with Web resources with a vision for the future. Learn from the experts the most effective and most efficient applications for cataloging by applying the new concepts and new and revised rules included in AACR2 2002 Revision chapters 1, 3, 9, 12, 21 and other relevant chapters. New information and revisions to AACR2 will be compared and implications for MARC 21 will be included in the presentations. Scopes and topics range from cataloging in a dynamic electronic age to the how-to's of creating records in various formats including: cartographic materials, continuing resources, databases, electronic resources, newly defined integrating resources, legal and loose-leaf publications, serials, three dimensional items, video recordings, visual images and Web Sites. Also included are the steps to building a Metadata repository, standards, thesauri and the development of authority files to enhance end-user access as a means to provide integrated access to diverse information resources. Faculty and Topics Acclaimed library professionals and educators have been invited to serve as faculty for these Institutes. They will give in-depth presentation on the following topics: "AACR and Metadata : Library Opportunities in the Global Semantic Web - LC, IFLA, Dublin Core, Virtual International Authority Files, and More" Dr. Barbara B. Tillett, Chief, Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library of Congress. "More Than Books: Access to Locally-Held Materials in Alternative Media" Dr. Sheila S. Intner, Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Simmons College. "The New Chapter 12 for AACR 2002" Steve Shadle, Serials Cataloging Librarian, University of Washington Libraries. "Electronic Integrating Resources: AACR 2002 for Updating Web Sites and Databases" Steven Jack Miller, Head, Monographs Dept., University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Library. "Amendments 2001: Changes to Chapter 9" Nancy B. Olson, Retired Professor, Minnesota State University, Mankato. "Chapter 3 Twenty Years Later: Changes in Cataloging Cartographic Materials" Mary Lynette Larsgaard, Assistant Head, Map and Imagery Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara Libraries. "There Ought to be A Law: AACR2 2002 Amendments, Integrating Resources and Updating Loose-Leafs" Rhonda K. Lawrence, Head of Cataloging, UCLA School of Law. "Developing the Metadata Repository" Grace Agnew, Associate University Librarian for Digital Library Systems, Rutgers University Libraries. "Metadata Schemas and Contolled Vocabularies for Art, Architecture, and Material Culture", Dr. Murtha Baca, Head, Standards Program or, Dr. Patricia Harpring, Managing Editor, Getty Vocabulary Program, Getty Research Institute ALCTS is proud to sponsor these significantly important AACR2 2002 Revision and Metadata Regional Institutes. To become a well-informed and knowledgeable librarian for the 21st Century, visit ALCTS Web Site at: http://www.ala.org/alcts/now/metadata.html Space is limited. Sign up today for an ALCTS AACR2 2002 Revision and Metadata Institute! Program Chair Sally C. Tseng, Chair ALCTS AACR2 2002 Revision and Metadata Regional Institutes P.O. Box 4992 Irvine, CA 92616-4992, U.S.A. Phone: 949-552-5615 Fax: 949-857-1988 email: sctseng888@yahoo.com Charles Wilt ALCTS Executive Director ALA 50 E. Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: (800) 545-2433 ext. 5030 Fax: (312) 280-5033 email: cwilt@ala.org Julie Reese ALCTS Events Manager ALA 50 E. Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: (800) 545-2433, ext. 5034 Fax: (312) 280-5033 email: jreese@ala.org Best regards, Sally C. Tseng. Chair ALCTS AACR2 2002 Revision & Matadata Regional Institutes CALA Executive Director P.O. Box 4992, Irvine, CA 92616-4992 Phone: 949-552-5615, Fax: 949-857-1988 Email: sctseng888@yahoo.com