NETSL/NASIG Programs at the New England Library Association conference -- David Miller Stephen Clark 19 Sep 2002 16:01 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NETSL/NASIG Programs at the New England Library Association confe      rence
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 11:36:14 -0400
From: "Miller, David" <dmiller@POST03.CURRY.EDU>

The New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) are pleased to
announce two programs that will be presented at the New England Library
Association (NELA) 2002 Conference in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. The
conference will take place at the Sturbridge Host Hotel from October 20-22,
2002. NETSL's programs will both be given on Monday, October 21, and are
jointly sponsored with NASIG. For further information about the NELA
conference, including a registration form, please see

1) Reclaiming the Past and Reshaping the Future: Revisions to AACR2 Chapters
9 and 12
Presenters: Ann Sandberg-Fox, Jean Hirons
Learn about the different types of resources covered in these two chapters
and how catalogers use the new and revised rules. Ann Sandberg-Fox,
Cataloging Consultant and Trainer, will discuss the revision of Chapter 9
(Electronic Resources) and highlight such issues as the GMD and sources of
information. Jean Hirons, CONSER Coordinator at the Library of Congress,
will review changes to Chapter 12 (Serials) and consider the new world of
continuing resources, the new category of integrating resources, and the
return of latest entry cataloging.

2) Serials Reviews in Uncertain Times: Two Approaches and Advice for
Avoiding Fiscal Nightmares
Presenters: Albert Joy, Jay Schafer, Leslie Knapp
Serials reviews (a polite term for periodicals cancellation projects) are
never pleasant but do present opportunities to refine serials collections.
Are there common themes in reviewing periodicals lists? This session
features Albert Joy, Acquisitions/Preservation Librarian at the University
of Vermont and Jay Schafer, Associate Director for Content, Acquisitions,
and Access at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, who discuss two
approaches to this challenging topic. Leslie Knapp of EBSCO Subscription
Services suggests how serials agents can assist with the review process.
These "budget-scarred veterans" provide information and advice to help those
with similar projects avoid financial nightmares.

We look forward to seeing many of our colleagues in Sturbridge!

David Miller
NETSL Corresponding Secretary
Levin Library, Curry College
Milton, Mass.