Library Market- Journals E-journals Please help -- Janek Stephen Clark 10 Sep 2002 18:12 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Date: 10 Sep 2002 19:04:51 +0200
From: Janek <>
Subject: Library Market- Journals E-journals Please help

Hello it' s me student from Poland.

I have been working on my research. I have already finished one of the
stage. I've collected some data but I still have fields where is lack of
information. I wonder if you can help me somehow.
I would like to know a data about subjects(BUYERS)buying science
journals and (USERS) subjects using them.
I mean:
How many subscriptions they buy?(average)
academic, public,research,special libraries.
 >From what categories?(STM, math etc.)
How they buy?(distribution)( I mean if a library buys directly from
editors or if there is an agent)
When they buy? Terms in whole year.
Who decide about purchase?
(%)Which market is the biggest(share of market)?
by country , place , state , expenditures , journals buying number , by
And one more about users:
what they read?(%)
most often by category
  Why do people read the science journals at all. What is the purpose of
looking for these journals.
I know that there must be some data about this, somebody must done some
researches about that.
I lookinfor this information for about two months.
I'm searching mainly from internet, becouse it,s hard to get this info
from Warsaw Libraries.

If you can help me with any of these questions I would appreciate this.

I' m waiting for your reply.