Re: Serials Holding Lists maintenance -- David Goodman Stephen Clark 10 Sep 2002 18:08 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:12:51 -0400
From: David Goodman <dgoodman@Princeton.EDU>
Subject: Re: Serials Holding Lists maintenance -- 2 messages

both Linkfinder plus and sfx can do this, BUT ONLY IF the catalog is
open url enabled--the current version of Voyager is not, the next one
will be.

 > 2 messages:
 > 1)--------------------------------
 > -------- Original Message --------
 > Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:18:20 -0600
 > From: Dan Lester <>
 > Organization:
 > Subject: Re: Serials Holding Lists maintenance -- Promilla Bansal
 > We've done this at Boise State with TDNet.  You can see our serials
 > catalog at  In addition, I have extra
 > information about what we've done and why, about TDNet, and so forth,
 > at
 > Let me know if you need more information.  A colleague and I will be
 > speaking about this at Internet Librarian in November in Palm Springs.
 > TDNet is considerably more expensive than Serials Solutions or
 > JournalWebCite, but you're getting much more.  It also has a number
 > other features. No, I don't work for them, though we're satisfied
 > customers.
 > cheers
 > dan
 > --
 > Dan Lester, Data Wrangler 208-283-7711
 > 3577 East Pecan, Boise, Idaho  83716-7115 USA
 >  Stop Global Whining!
 > 2)-----------------------
 > From: "Bob Scheier" <>
 > Subject: RE: Serials Holding Lists maintenance -- Promilla Bansal
 > Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 16:51:36 -0400
 > Serial solutions can also put your local holdings into the listing as
 > as can get a file out of your OPAC or some other source that is
 > e.g., tab or comma delimited. I should not speak for them though.
Call them
 > to see if they can work with one of the reports that your online
catalog can
 > generate listing your serials with holdings data.
 > Bob
 > =====================================
 > Robert H. Scheier
 > Serials/ILL Librarian
 > New York Institute of Technology
 > Wisser Library
 > Wheatley Rd., P.O. Box 8000
 > Old Westbury, New York 11568-8000
 > Phone: (516) 686-7624
 > Fax: (516) 626-2914
 > Email:
 > Library Web Site:
 > College Web Site:
 > Monday, September 9, 2002, 2:03:21 PM, you wrote:
 > SC> We would like to put our serials holdings lists online. Have
looked at
 > SC> SerialsSolutions but they track only full-text database updates.
 > SC> re there any vendors who would put our print and microfilm
holdings plus
 > SC> full text databases updates?
 > SC> What are your experiences and who is the most reasonable in this

David Goodman
Research Librarian and
Biological Science Bibliographer
Princeton University Library
Princeton, NJ 08544-0001
phone: 609-258-7785
fax: 609-258-2627