AACR revision -- Jean Hirons Stephen Clark 05 Sep 2002 19:36 UTC

Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 15:14:52 -0400
From: "Jean L Hirons" <jhir@loc.gov>
Subject: AACR revision

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Dear Colleagues,

With the upcoming revision of AACR2 soon to be upon us, I wanted to let
you know what CONSER and others have been doing to make sure that
everyone receives the needed training and information concerning the
changes.  While AACR2 is scheduled to be published in September, LC and
CONSER will not be implementing the changes until December 1.


The first major revision of the CONSER Cataloging Manual has just been
completed and the 2002 edition will be available this fall, both in
print and on the Cataloger's Desktop. The print version should be
available mid-October; the Desktop version will be available
mid-November. This is a new edition that completely replaces the earlier
version. Included are a new module on the concept of continuing
resources and other concepts that formed the basis of the revision,
updated text and examples, and revisions to practices that have changed
over time.  The revision took a year to complete and involved many
CONSER and SCCTP catalogers.

A new module on the cataloging of Integrating Resources is being
prepared by Diane Boehr and Alice Jacobs of NLM that should be available
summer 2003. This document will be included in the BIBCO Manual as well
and may also be made available as a stand-alone document.

The CONSER Editing Guide will be revised this fall to reflect practices
related to tagging that will impact on serials and integrating
resources.  The major changes: code i and repeatable 260 fields are
currently not available and will not be included. New coding in the
serials 008/006 field, however, will be added, as well as many other
changes. This will be the first update to the CEG since the spring of
2001.  The update will be available in late 2002 or early 2003.

The CONSER Editing Guide and CONSER Cataloging Manual are sold by the
Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service.  For pricing and
ordering information, consult the CDS Web site at:

SCCTP workshops

Advanced Serials Cataloging Workshop (now available).  This is a new
two-day workshop, prepared by Kristin Lindlan (University of Washington)
and Margaret Mering (University of Nebraska).  The course is a
comprehensive area-by-area review of serials that incorporates all of
the recent changes to the code. It is designed for catalogers with some
serials cataloging experience and is a follow-up to the Basic Serials
Cataloging Workshop.  The course is now available (see below for

Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop (revision coming in Oct.)  The
popular 2-day Basic Serials workshop is undergoing revision to
accommodate the recent changes in Chapters 9 and 12.  New exercises are
being added and text and examples have been updated.  The basic
structure and content of the course remain the same: an overview of what
is a serial, original cataloging, copy cataloging, electronic serials,
and an optional session on subject control.  The course will be
available at the beginning of October.

Integrating Resources Cataloging Workshop (coming next spring).  This
is a one-day course that is being prepared by Steve Miller (University
of Wisconsin) for release next spring.  The course will include focus on
the descriptive cataloging of updating Web sites, databases, and
loose-leafs, with special problem-solving sessions as well. The
introduction of rules for integrating resources and the acknowledgment
that these are continuing resources-and not monographs-is one of the
most significant changes in the code.

  The Integrating Resources course will serve as a companion to the
Electronic Serials Cataloging Workshop, which is currently being given
in a number of venues.  This one day workshop focuses on the cataloging
of online serials, aggregations, and a variety of associated issues.

SCCTP course materials are available from the Library of Congress
Cataloging Distribution Service. For pricing and ordering information,
consult the CDS Web site at: www.loc.gov/cds/training.html.  SCCTP
courses are designed to be given by SCCTP-trained catalogers but SCCTP
does not plan the workshops.  A complete schedule of upcoming workshops
and more information about SCCTP is available at:

Web resources

CONSER/BIBCO presentation on integrating resources May 2002: Steve
Miller prepared this presentation that was given in May and later
revised as a handy resource for those cataloging integrating resources.
It is a preview to his upcoming SCCTP course and covers the description
of integrating resources.  The presentation is available on the PCC Web
site at: www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco

NASIG presentation June 2002: Les Hawkins and I gave a three-hour
presentation on the AACR2 changes at the recent NASIG meeting in
Williamsburg.  The files from this presentation are available in PDF and
html on the CONSER Web site at:
www.loc.gov/acq/conser/accr2002/A2slides.  Included are four
sessions, covering: the conceptual model and definitions, the
description of serials, the description of integrating resources, and
major/minor changes (e.g., title changes).

ALA presentations: My colleague Regina Reynolds and I participated in a
program at ALA, sponsored by the Committee to Study Serials Cataloging,
along with Rhonda Lawrence (UCLA) and Adam Schiff (U. Washington).  The
coverage was the same as the NASIG presentation, but more complete.  The
powerpoint files from those presentations are available at:

Upcoming videocast: In addition, the Library of Congress is planning to
produce a videocast of one of our in-house training sessions for LC
serials catalogers that will be made freely available on the CONSER Web
site some time in November or early December. The training will include
all aspects of the changes except for the description of integrating
There are also a number of local and regional meetings and ALCTS
institutes being planned with speakers addressing the changes.  SCCTP
trainers of the Advanced Serials workshop have agreed to be available to
speak at regional meetings and a list of names can be furnished by
contacting me at jhir@loc.gov.

In addition, some of the resources above or related materials are being
made available in French, Spanish, and Chinese.  Links from the CONSER
or SCCTP home page will be provided once the materials are available.

It is going to take a little time for everyone to understand the new
concepts, organization of the rules, and the minor title change
provisions, but I'm sure that these resources will make it easier.

Best wishes!

Jean Hirons
CONSER Coordinator
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540-4160
voice: 202-707-5947
fax: 202-707-1778
email: jhir@loc.gov