"School for Scanning"-Registration Deadline and Early Registration Rate Extended -- Nidia Navanatran Stephen Clark 05 Sep 2002 16:32 UTC

From: "Nidia Navanatran" <nnavanatran@nedcc.org>
Subject: "School for Scanning"-Registration Deadline and Early
Registration Rate Extended
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 11:59:59 -0400

"School for Scanning" in The Hague, The Netherlands - Registration
Deadline and Early Registration Rate Extended Northeast Document
Conservation Center (NEDCC) has extended both the registration deadline
and the early registration rate for its upcoming School for Scanning
(SfS) conference, to be held at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek - The
National Library of the Netherlands  - in The Hague, The Netherlands on
October 16-18, 2002.

The registration deadline is now September 27, 2002.  All who register
by that date may do so at the early registration rate of $350 (USD).  No
further registrations will be accepted after September 27.

Since its inception in 1995, the SfS has trained more than 2,500 people
to create, manage, and preserve digital assets.  The event in The Hague
marks the first time the SfS has been offered in Europe.  An outstanding
faculty, including experts from both Europe and North America, will be

The SfS, which will be presented entirely in English, is funded in part
by The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and the
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC).  It is co-sponsored by the
European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) and the
Koninklijke Bibliotheek - The National Library of the Netherlands (KB).

Further details about the conference, including the program and
registration information, may be found on the NEDCC Website at: