Question about "managing ejournals more closely" Lisa O'Hara 16 Aug 2002 14:46 UTC

I've found the discussion on checking in or rather not checking in print
journals very interesting and I have a question of my own that is sort of
related.  Does anyone do any sort of check in of ejournals?  I suppose
using an ejournal management service like TDNet , Journal Web Cite or
SerialsSolutions would act like this - does anyone use the lists they
generate to update holdings in catalogue records?  Or does anyone use a
more traditional check in for ejournals?  Rick mentioned that they devote
themselves to managing the ejournals more closely - what does this entail
exactly? And how do different institutions do it?

This is all sort of new to me, forgive me if this has been asked
before.  If you want to respond directly, I can summarize for the list.


Lisa Hanson O'Hara
Electronic Resources Cataloguer
University of Manitoba Libraries