Serial Prices in AUS$ for 4 journals Sharon Diehm 16 Aug 2002 03:10 UTC


I am new to the list and my name is Sharon Diehm. I work at the Queensland Police Academy Library in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I have been doing the serials/media position here for three years.

I need help from the Australian Subcribers to the list for prices for the following titles:

1. Journal of Adult and Community Education
2. Journal of Learning Environments
3. Journal of Distance Education
4. Journal of Management Education

Could you specify which subscription agent you use and the terms of subscription. For example to you renew annually, Biannually or Triannually. Do any of you that subscribe direct find that it is cheeper or more expensive?

I would be greatful for any replies.


Sharon Diehm
Media & Serials Technician

Sharon Diehm
Media & Serials Technician
Information Resource Centre
Queensland Police Services Academy
PO Box 1110
Archerfield  Qld  4108

PH: 07 3246 8218
FX: 07 3246 8251


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