INDEX Bibliographicus Deb Ham 08 Aug 2002 17:42 UTC

Folks --

  If anyone can give me any more information about this title, I would
appreciate it. If you know if there is an OCLC record for it, that would be
even better.

  For some strange reason, we have one bound volume for this title that
includes 2 years and 2 volumes. On the outside cover of each it has in large
caps "Index Bibliographicus" and directly underneath it but in smaller caps
"Societatis Jesu." Underneath that it has the two names "Livio Pagello, S.J.
and Rufo Mendizabal, S.J." It has "Romae" "Borgo S. Spirito, 5" "1978"  on
the front cover of the one labeled "19  1976."

  Other than ascertaining that this Bibiographical Index was put out by the
Society of Jesuits, I cannot glean much more information from this. Thanks
in advance for any information you can provide!

Deb Ham
Serials Associate
Reinert Alumni Memorial Library

Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
402-280-1802 (phone)
402-280-2435 (fax)