Re: Letters of reference (Allison Mays) luinda 30 Aug 2002 06:49 UTC

Now this is an interesting point to raise.  The concern I would
have with written references are the possible legal implications
involved.  Fewer companies and individuals are keen to put their
views down on paper for fear of a come-back later in the event
that the candidate does not meet the expectations raised.

The thought of not following up references telephonically does
not sit well with me.  Jobs change and so do people.  In the
course of a conversation you are able to probe deeper and to
clarify certain points raised.

Ms L S Lilley
Acquisitions Librarian

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-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
Sent: 29 August 2002 23:14
Subject: Letters of reference (Allison Mays)

Subject: RE:      Salary information in job ads
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 15:19:57 -0500
From: "Mays, Allison" <>

I agree that it's helpful to at the very least give a salary range. (I've
enjoyed this discussion.)  But let me open another can of worms and ask: how
about having to send 3 letters of reference instead of just giving their
names? My husband and I have applied for many jobs between the two of us; if
we're not sure about applying, and we see that - forget it. I would think
you get a more honest response in a phone conversation because you can tell
when a person's hedging or not very enthusiastic about recommending someone.
A letter gives you time to get the wording just right: "Let's see, what's a
nice way to say 'total loser'?" I realize it saves the search committee or
whomever having to make phone calls, but it's a hassle for the applicant.
It's one thing to put someone down as a reference and another to have to ask
them to write a letter.

I won't even mention having to send transcripts...oops, did I say that out

Allison P. Mays
Acquisitions Librarian
Millsaps College
1701 N. State Street
Jackson, MS 39210