Electronic Serials Cataloging Workshop Easley, Patricia 31 Jul 2002 12:07 UTC

Please excuse the duplication

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is sponsoring the SCCTP
Electronic Serials Cataloging Workshop through Solinet on Aug. 16. It will
include an Introduction; Cataloging an online serial; Aggregators and
packages; Online versions; Changes that affect cataloging; and Case studies.
Please go to
<http://www.solinet.net/workshops/workshopdesc.cfm?wkspID=26ESCAT>     for
more details.

Thank you and hope to see you there!

Patti Easley       /\_____/\ CAT-on-A-LOG
Catalog Librarian /  o   o  \
Atkins Library   ( === ^ === )
UNC Charlotte     )    -    (
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                 ((  )   (  ))_( )
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