Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 10:48:32 -0500
From: Nancy Crow <crowna@quincy.edu>
Subject: Re: EBSCOhost Sage Publications - Content Update
I just did this sort. I highlighted only those *rows* with the data and
left out the top heading rows and the sort worked okay. Just click and drag
to highlight along the row numbers on the side I think the problem is in
the top rows.
Nancy Crow, Asst. Librarian
Serials/Interlibrary Loan
Quincy University
At 09:56 AM 7/25/02 -0400, you wrote:
>You said,
>If you visit our home page (http://www.epnet.com) and click on the EXCEL
>version of any title list, you can then sort the list by publisher. This
>will tell you exactly how many (and which) titles (Sage) this will affect in
>each database that you currently subscribe to."
>When I tried to sort by publisher I got this message," This operation
>requires the merged cells to be identically sized" and would not do the
>sort. Any other suggestions?
>M. Lou Nesson
>Librarian, Periodicals & Electronic Databases
>Massasoit Community College
>One Massasoit Blvd.
>Brockton, MA 02302-3996
>508-588-9100 X1932
>"The greatest weapon against fear is facts"
>Get the facts at your library.
From: "Sitko, Michelle" <sitko@es.marywood.edu>
Subject: RE: EBSCOhost Sage Publications - Content Update
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 12:24:27 -0400
M. Lou, et al.:
In epnet.com, you begin by going under Academic Libraries.....choose/click
into the EBSCOhost product you happen to subscribe to, and then choose:
Excel Full-Text files only. You can't use the Ctrl A -Keyboard
shortcut........You have to use the mouse and highlight the ENTIRE
spreadsheet (by using the mouse it goes faster than with the down arrow).
Then you go up to your Excel Toolbar under: DATA and choose: Filter....and
then: Autofilter.
When in Excel.....the top has shaded grey headings (choose: Publisher).
Each column should have a "drop down" arrow by it (if the first step is done
correctly). Click into the chosen down arrow's dialogue box and select the
publisher (in this case: Sage) that you want to filter out/view. I came up
with a list for Academic Search Elite (approx. 3 pages long) and Business
Search Elite (approx. 2 pages long). I hope this helps you. If not, I
suggest that you contact Scott Bernier (see email below).
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." John
***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ***
Michelle Sitko
Coordinator of Collection Management Services/Serials Learning Resources
Marywood University
2300 Adams Avenue
Scranton, PA 18509-1598
Voice: (570) 340-6034
Fax: (570) 961-4769
Email: sitko@ac.marywood.edu
University URL: http://www.marywood.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: M. Lou Nesson [mailto:MLNesson@MASSASOIT.MASS.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: EBSCOhost Sage Publications - Content Update
You said,
If you visit our home page (http://www.epnet.com) and click on the EXCEL
version of any title list, you can then sort the list by publisher. This
will tell you exactly how many (and which) titles (Sage) this will affect in
each database that you currently subscribe to."
When I tried to sort by publisher I got this message," This operation
requires the merged cells to be identically sized" and would not do the
sort. Any other suggestions?
M. Lou Nesson
Librarian, Periodicals & Electronic Databases
Massasoit Community College
One Massasoit Blvd.
Brockton, MA 02302-3996
508-588-9100 X1932
"The greatest weapon against fear is facts"
Get the facts at your library.
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 12:15:10 -0400
From: Timothy Gatti <tgatti@csc.albany.edu>
Subject: Re: EBSCOhost Sage Publications - Content Update
I believe you need to delete the first three rows, then you can sort
without receiving the error about the cell size. At least it worked for me!