Call for Proposals: Brick & Click Libraries Symposium, Northwest Missouri State Univ. (Joyce Meldrem) Birdie MacLennan MacLennan 21 Jun 2002 16:52 UTC

Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:07:58 -0500
From: "Meldrem,Joyce" <>
Subject: 2nd Call for Proposals

2nd Call for Proposals:
2nd Annual Brick and Click Libraries Symposium
Sponsored by Owens Library, Northwest Missouri State University

What is the "Brick and Click Libraries Symposium"?
It is a one-day regional symposium of relevance to academic libraries
supporting traditional and online resources/services. This year the theme is
"Changes and Challenges".  The symposium provides a forum for considering
the evolving needs of library users and staff.

When is the symposium?
Friday, October 18, 2002

Where is the symposium?
The symposium will be held on the campus of Northwest Missouri State
University, Maryville, Missouri.

What topics are you looking for?
We are looking for presentations that address the symposium theme and
encourage audience participation.  Presentations may cover, but are not
limited to, the following topics:

Access to and/or ownership of resources
Active learning
Assessment of resources or services
Building and equipment issues
Cataloging/collecting electronic serials
Collaboration with faculty
Consortial Cataloging
Consortial Collection Development
Copyright and fair use
Digitizing archival material
Distance education issues
Document delivery options
Dynamic web page content delivery
Electronic resource licensing
Evolving roles of paraprofessionals and/or librarians
Information literacy
Instructional tutorials
Integrating the "team" concept into your library
Libraries and quality improvement
Serials management
Serials usage studies
Staffing issues facing academic libraries
Technical services outsourcing
Technology issues
Usability testing and Website reengineering
Virtual reference

When is the deadline for submitting a proposal?
July 19, 2002

What is the registration fee for presenters?
Presenters receive a reduced registration fee ($65) to the symposium.

Is there an opportunity to publish a paper along with giving a presentation?
Yes!  For more information, go to:

How do I submit a proposal?
Submit your proposal online at:

What if I have other questions?
Send questions to:  <>

We look forward to receiving your proposal!

Carolyn Johnson and Joyce Meldrem
  for the Symposium Coordinating Team
Owens Library
Northwest Missouri State University