Re: Mis-addressing of labels (Was: Claiming Statistics) (Amy Anderson) Birdie MacLennan 18 Jun 2002 17:11 UTC

Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:49:37 -0500
From: Amy Anderson <>
Subject: Re: Mis-addressing of labels (Was: Claiming Statistics) (Albert Henderson)

Albert Henderson <chessNIC@COMPUSERVE.COM> wrote:

>         Moreover, I have seen too many instances of higher
>         education institutions running library mail through
>         their central mailroom, where it can easily be
>         misdirected. There is no reason why the post office
>         cannot deliver all mail directly to the library.
>         All any library needs is a street address or PO box.

Unfortunately, Mr. Henderson, that is not the way it works in the small
town that I am located in.  The Post Office will not deliver to my street
address.  All mail for the university is sent to the Campus Mailroom,
whether addressed to our P.O Box or not.  And yes, I discussed this with
our local Postmaster the last time you made a similar comment to this

The whole problem here, as I see it, is the fact that a few publishers
have gotten the idea that librarians claim issues that actually DID
arrive in their libraries.  This is simply unethical, and NO serials
librarian that I have ever talked to does this, or even considers it as
an option.  The majority of publishers understand that mail delivery is
problematical, and I usually have no problems obtaining claimed issues
from publishers.  Sometimes I have to actually call the publishers and
explain the circumstances, but most publishers are very pleasant to deal


Amy Anderson
Head, Periodical Services
Smith Library Center
Southwestern University
PO Box 770
Georgetown, TX 78627-0770
PH: 512-863-1639
FAX: 512-863-8198