ANNOUNCEMENT: Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Call for Poster Session Proposals: New Deadline and Change of Venue
Deberah England 13 Jun 2002 20:53 UTC
This announcement is being sent to multiple lists. We apologize in
advance for any duplication.
The Academic Library Association of Ohio has selected a new venue for
it's 28th Annual ALAO Conference. This years conference will be held at
the Embassy Suites Hotel in Independence Ohio, the date of the
conference remains the same and will take place on November 1st 2002.
The theme for this years conference is "Face to Face or Cyberspace:
Redefining the Human Touch." Please consider sharing your experiences
applying information technology to reach out to your library users and
provide them with new, innovative, and responsive services!
We are now accepting proposals for poster sessions. A new deadline for
poster session proposals of July 12th, 2002 has been selected. Please
visit the conference web site at:
for more information. Please consider using the online proposal
submission form in order to make this process easier. If you would like
to submit a poster session proposal by mail or have questions
concerning this announcement please contact:
Douglas Morrison
Reference/Serials Librarian
Ohio State ATI Library
1328 Dover Road
Wooster, OH. 44691-8905
phone - 330-264-3911 (Ext. - 1291)
fax - 330-262-7634
email -
Douglas Morrison
ALAO 2002 Conference Planning Committee Member