ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group (Robert Dowd) Birdie MacLennan 10 Jun 2002 17:14 UTC

Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 12:57:13 -0400
From: "Robert Dowd" <RDOWD@MAIL.NYSED.GOV>
Subject: ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group

Please join the ALCTS Newspaper Users Discussion Group during ALA annual
in Atlanta at the Hilton Fulton room, Saturday June 15th from 2-4 PM.
Two presentations are scheduled to generate conversation.  The University
of Georgia, like many other libraries, has a large and significant
newspaper microfilm collection. OCLC Digital & Preservation Resources
will demonstrate an application which quickly and easily converts
microfilm to digital format.

The State of Newspapers in the State of Georgia -- The University of
Georgia Libraries has been microfilming Georgia newspapers since the
early 1950s. To date the Georgia Newspaper Project has microfilmed at
least one newspaper title from every county in Georgia in which
newspapers were ever published. In addition to a long and continuing
career of microfilming Georgia newspapers for preservation and access,
the Digital Library of Georgia and GALILEO have begun an ambitious effort
to convert microfilmed newspapers to digital format, available to the
public as a searchable database. Dr. Nan McMurry, Bibliographer for
History, coordinates the University of Georgia Libraries' Preservation

The ActivePaper Archive* -- OCLC Digital & Preservation Resources will
use Olive Software to help libraries provide full online searchable
access to their historic newspapers so that these valuable resources can
be preserved and made accessible over the World Wide Web. Olive Software
enables digitization of historic materials by providing two unique
benefits: making digitization practical by significantly reducing time
and cost; and enabling browser-based, user-friendly access to and
searching of retrospective newspaper collections. Collections digitized
using Olive Software are fully searchable down to the article level. Meg
Bellinger, Vice President of Digital & Preservation Resources Taylor
Surface, Director of OCLC Content Management Services

Additional agenda items on just about any newspaper-related discussion
item are always welcome.

Bob Dowd
New York State Library