Re: ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section Program Announcement (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 07 Jun 2002 19:24 UTC

2 messages, 122 lines:

Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:57:02 -0400
From: "Hartz, Viviane" <>
Subject: Re: ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section Program Announcement (Wendy Hope Riedel)

I, too, would be very interested in getting a transcript of some kind for
this discussion group.

Viviane Hartz
Acquisitions Serials Librarian, Acquisitions
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County
513-369-6923   Fax:513-369-3167

Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 11:06:33 -0800
Organization: Consortium Library at UAA
Subject: Re: ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section Program Announcement (WendyHope

I would also like any information available.  We're also a DRA site.


Patricia Thorne
Serials Manager
University of Alaska Anchorage
Consortium Library

Edward Bergin wrote:
> Will there be any minutes of this discussion group recorded?  I will not be
> attending ALA in Atlanta.  But as a DRA site, we might find ourselves in a
> situation where we need to migrate and would be addressing these same
> issues.  Thanks for any help!
> Best regards-
> Ed Bergin
> Head Cataloging Librarian
> Southwest Texas State University
> San Marcos, TX 78666
> Birdie MacLennan wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 10:34:10 -0400
> > From: "Wendy Hope Riedel" <>
> > Subject: ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section Program Announcement
> >
> > ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section
> > Automated Acquisitions In Process Control Discussion Group
> > Date: Sunday, June 16, 2002
> > Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
> > Place: Hilton, Fulton Room
> >
> > "Migrating to a New ILS: Map It or Lose It;
> > Options and Tips from ILS Vendors and Librarians"
> > Panel and Group Discussion
> >
> > This timely panel discussion is a direct outgrowth of the midwinter ALA
> > meeting.  Please feel free to redistribute this announcement.
> >
> > What types of acquisitions data can migrated easily; what type of data
> > poses more of a challenge
> >
> > What options exist for migrating data (mapping fields, bib records,
> > invoice data, vendor information, statistics, etc.)  What's considered
> > typical and what's an unusual request going to cost
> >
> > How much data could be migrated (e.g. closed orders; active but not
> > recently created orders such as serials, series, book contins; links to
> > university accounts payable systems, e.g. PeopleSoft)
> >
> > What kind of advice from the ILS vendors was most useful, or not, in
> > the planning and implementation stages
> >
> > Was the previous ILS vendor of any assistance in preparing data
> >
> > How would the establishment of standards for acquisitions data
> > facilitate the move to a new ILS vendor
> >
> > Discuss how Acquisitions data fits into the overall ILS data migration
> > phase and the time frame provided to prepare, review, and sign off on
> > test files and the final mapping
> >
> > What advice would you give Acquisitions librarians who will soon be in
> > the RFP stage, in the mapping stage, and post implementation stage
> >
> >
> > Marjorie Bloss, Manager Training Services, Endeavor Information
> > Services
> >
> > JoAnne Deeken, Head Technical Services and Digital Access, University
> > of Tennessee
> >
> > Katharine Farrell, Assistant University Librarian for Technical
> > Services and Head Order Division, Princeton University
> >
> > Terry Jarnagin, Director of Implementation and Education Services,
> > SIRSI Corporation
> >
> > Michael Kaplan, Director of Product Management, Ex Libris
> >
> > Sandy Westhall, Vice President Library Service, Innovative Interfaces
> >
> > -----
> >
> > Linda P. Lerman
> > Head, Acquisitions, Bobst Library
> > New York University
> > 70 Washington Square South
> > New York, NY 10012
> > tel: 212-998-2480
> > fax: 212-995-4366
> > e-mail: