ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section Program Announcement (Wendy Hope Riedel) Birdie MacLennan 07 Jun 2002 17:54 UTC

Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 10:34:10 -0400
From: "Wendy Hope Riedel" <>
Subject: ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section Program Announcement

ALA ALCTS Acquisition Section
Automated Acquisitions In Process Control Discussion Group
Date: Sunday, June 16, 2002
Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Place: Hilton, Fulton Room

"Migrating to a New ILS: Map It or Lose It;
Options and Tips from ILS Vendors and Librarians"
Panel and Group Discussion

This timely panel discussion is a direct outgrowth of the midwinter ALA
meeting.  Please feel free to redistribute this announcement.

What types of acquisitions data can migrated easily; what type of data
poses more of a challenge

What options exist for migrating data (mapping fields, bib records,
invoice data, vendor information, statistics, etc.)  What's considered
typical and what's an unusual request going to cost

How much data could be migrated (e.g. closed orders; active but not
recently created orders such as serials, series, book contins; links to
university accounts payable systems, e.g. PeopleSoft)

What kind of advice from the ILS vendors was most useful, or not, in
the planning and implementation stages

Was the previous ILS vendor of any assistance in preparing data

How would the establishment of standards for acquisitions data
facilitate the move to a new ILS vendor

Discuss how Acquisitions data fits into the overall ILS data migration
phase and the time frame provided to prepare, review, and sign off on
test files and the final mapping

What advice would you give Acquisitions librarians who will soon be in
the RFP stage, in the mapping stage, and post implementation stage


Marjorie Bloss, Manager Training Services, Endeavor Information

JoAnne Deeken, Head Technical Services and Digital Access, University
of Tennessee

Katharine Farrell, Assistant University Librarian for Technical
Services and Head Order Division, Princeton University

Terry Jarnagin, Director of Implementation and Education Services,
SIRSI Corporation

Michael Kaplan, Director of Product Management, Ex Libris

Sandy Westhall, Vice President Library Service, Innovative Interfaces


Linda P. Lerman
Head, Acquisitions, Bobst Library
New York University
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
tel: 212-998-2480
fax: 212-995-4366