Re: Reminder ALCTS Program: Introduction to AACR2 Revised Chapter12 (John Radencich) Birdie MacLennan 06 Jun 2002 18:44 UTC

Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 14:32:50 -0400
From: John Radencich <>
Subject: Re: Reminder ALCTS Program: Introduction to AACR2 Revised Chapter12


    Thank you for your interest.  As for what's to be made available
afterwards there are several possibilities.  For one, the CSSC always has
minutes of its meetings, which are generally very thorough and which
appear on the committee's ALCTS web site.  Problem is it takes a long
time for ALCTS to get around mounting them.  (We still don't have our
minutes from 2000 on!)  However, in view of the importance of this
program (and our Midwinter meeting, which had the topic of implementing
integrating resources) I am going to ask ALCTS to expedite our program
minutes.  (All the same it probably won't be until the end of the summer
when they will be ready.)
    The other possibility is that some of the speakers may make copies of
their Power Point presentations available for anyone interested.  Along
with that they all should have corresponding handouts.  You may want to
try to get someone come by to pick them up for you or something.
    All the same I am keeping a list of anyone who asks me about this
matter.  When I have something more definite after the conference (be it
the posted minutes, copies of the minutes specially made, how to get
copies of the individual presentations, etc.) I will notify all of you.
This should be some time in July.
    That's the best I can say for now.


John Radencich
Library-Cataloging Dept.
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33199

Karen Tschanz wrote:

> Would love to join you for this program, but won't be able to. Are
there any plans to make transcripts or summaries available via the web?
Would urge you to do so for this important topic. Thanks for listening.
> Karen S. Tschanz
> Technical Services Librarian
> Seyfarth Shaw
> Library
> 55 E. Monroe, Suite 4200
> Chicago, IL 60603 USA
> (312) 739-6264 (phone)
> (312) 739-6226 (fax)
> >>> radencic@FIU.EDU 06/05/02 08:01AM >>>
> This is a second, and final reminder:
> An official ALCTS program, presented jointly by ALCTS/SS/CSSC
> (Committee to Study Serials Cataloging) and ALCTS/CCS/CC:DA
> (Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access).
> 2002 ALA Annual Conference.
> Date:   Monday, June 17, 2002
> Time:   1:30-5:30 p.m.
> Place:   Georgia World Congress Center, Rm. A411
>              Atlanta, Georgia
> The world of cataloging is changing. Fueling much of this change
> is the proliferation of electronic resources, especially
> web-based resources. At the same time, new concepts in cataloging
> have been emerging.  Among the most important is the introduction
> of the concept of "seriality" to address change within
> bibliographic resources issued over time. In response to this
> rethinking of cataloging conventions, the chapter for serials in
> AACR2, Chapter 12, has been revised and expanded to cover all
> "Continuing Resources" and will soon be implemented.
> This CSSC/CC:DA program will provide an introduction to the
> revised chapter and the related rule changes.  It is intended for
> a broad spectrum of catalogers: those who catalog serials,
> monographs (especially loose-leaf publications), electronic
> resources, and any other material of a continuing nature.
> The program will begin with a broad overview of the revised
> Chapter 12 and then proceed to the particulars of the new
> category of "Integrating Resources."  Jean Hirons (Library of
> Congress) will speak on the concepts, definitions, and
> descriptive cataloging revisions involved. Regina Reynolds
> (Library of Congress) will speak on the newly introduced concepts
> of Major and Minor changes.  Following them are two speakers who
> will focus on integrating resources: Rhonda Lawrence (UCLA Law
> Library) will speak on cataloging loose-leafs, and Adam Schiff
> (University of Washington) will speak on cataloging web-based
> resources.
> Afterwards, time permitting, the Committee to Study Serials
> Cataloging will conduct a brief business meeting, with reports
> from the committee's CC:DA Liaison, as well as reports from the
> Library of Congress and NSDP on serial-related activities.
> Please join us for this important program on the ongoing changes
> in the cataloging world.