MARC Formats Interest Group (MFIG) - ALA Mtg. Announcement
Laura A. Sill 06 Jun 2002 14:33 UTC
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JUNE 15, 2002, 2:00-4:00 P.M.
Hilton Atlanta, Adams
>> Have You Heard Rumblings about MARC and Acquisitions Data? <<
Please join us at the ALA Annual Conference on Saturday, June 15th, 2002
from 2:00-4:00 p.m. for the ALCTS/LITA MARC Formats Interest Group
(MFIG) Meeting. "The MFIG is established as a joint ALCTS/LITA interest
group. Its purpose is to provide a forum to educate the library
community of the MARC formats, their purposes, uses, developments and
implementation, as well as to encourage the use and implementation of
the formats."
We are pleased to have Linda Lerman of the ALCTS/AS Automated
Acquisition/In-Process Control Systems Discussion Group joining us to
talk about the Group's program at ALA this year -- Migrating to a New
ILS: Map It or Lose It; Options & tips from ILS vendors and librarians.
Their program will be held on Sunday, June 16th, 2002, 9:30-11:00 AM in
the Hilton's Fulton Room, and the subject of MARC formats and
acquisitions data should be very interesting.
This is an open meeting, and we invite you to bring your own topics of
interest to the table for discussion as well. We also welcome those who
prefer to just listen and learn!
We look forward to seeing you on June 15th!
Andrea Demsey
National Library of Medicine
Chair, MFIG
Laura Sill
University of Notre Dame
In-coming Chair, MFIG