Professional Library Journals (Glenda M. Alvin) Birdie MacLennan 03 Jun 2002 18:48 UTC

Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 12:35:48 -0500
From: "Alvin, Glenda M." <>
Subject: Professional Library Journals

I am interested in how other libraries handle back issues of professional
library journals, e.g. Library Journal, Booklist, Choice, College and
Research Libraries, etc.,.  We have bound issues that go back several
decades.  The nearest library graduate school is 4 hours away and the
library staff does not read them.  Are the back issues purchased in
microform or are these titles discarded with only current issues kept?


Glenda Alvin
Coordinator, Collection Management Dept.
Tennessee State University
Brown-Daniel Library
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd
Nashville, TN 37209