Position still open: Electronic Resources Access Librarian, U. of Nevada, Reno (Donnelyn Curtis) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 13 May 2002 22:11 UTC

Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 12:04:04 -0700
From: Donnelyn Curtis <dcurtis@UNR.EDU>
Subject: Position still open: Electronic Resources Access Librarian,
 U. of Nevada, Reno

The UNR job ad posted late last week said "Review of Applications to Begin
May 13th." The actual cutoff date for receiving applications will be Monday,
May 20th at 5:00. Letters and Resumes may be e-mailed as attachments to Tori
Nigro (nigro@unr.edu). If you have questions about the process or position,
please contact me. The job is posted at:



Donnelyn Curtis
Director of Research Services
University of Nevada, Libraries

775 784-6500 ext. 285