Re: III UPDCNT Code -- Manuel Urrizola
Stephen Clark 10 May 2002 12:51 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: III UPDCNT Code -- Lauren Corbett
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 14:58:36 -0700
From: Manuel Urrizola <murrizol@LIB.UCI.EDU>
Hi Lauren,
Thank you for the helpful response. I have another question. Do you
need a checkin card with boxes to use the UPDCNT and PCOUNT codes? In
other words, does checking in an item in a box trigger the operations?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: III UPDCNT Code -- Manuel Urrizola
> Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 10:54:39 -0400
> From: Lauren Corbett <lcorbet@EMORY.EDU>
> Organization: Emory University
> I'm no longer using III (changed jobs), but I used the updcnt and pcount
> fields for counting microforms as well as some standing orders such as
> came
> with pamphets where we didn't create a check-in box for each piece.
> Here is the procedure I wrote for Old Dominion University in Norfolk,
> VA:
> Two fields in the check-in records in III control automated generation
> of
> piece count statistics for microforms and standing orders: the updcnt
> and
> the pcount fields. Updcnt controls whether or not a prompt asking for
> the
> number of pieces appears during the check-in process and also allows
> different codes for tracking a variety of locations or other selected
> breakdown of the counts. Pcount is where the actual number of pieces is
> stored as a running total from the numbers entered during check-in. The
> pcount field has a cap, or limitation, due to the nature of the computer
> program and the field must be reset to zero on an annual basis to avoid
> reaching the upper limit.
> Maintaining The Updcnt Field In Check-In Records
> When creating a new check-in record for micro or standing orders, or
> reactivating an old one, place the appropriate code in the UPDCNT field
> to
> make III prompt for the piece count during the check-in process.
> Microforms
> For: Use:
> fiche j
> film k
> gpfch l
> gpmic m
> mcfch n
> mcflm o
> refmf q
> Standing Orders
> For: Use:
> barcoded standing orders b
> pocket parts standing orders (includes advances) p
> non-barcoded standing orders (other than pocket parts) r
> The barcoded standing orders is the only one that increments by copy
> automatically instead of prompting for a piece count. The idea behind
> this
> particular division is related to being able to calculate the differing
> hours of activity associated with each type. For example, pocket parts
> take
> longer than any of the others because of having to stamp and apply a
> call
> number to each piece, go to the shelves, open the books, and pull old
> pocket
> parts and insert the new. Non-barcoded pieces usually take the least
> time
> because the majority are books that are cataloged separately, resulting
> in
> zero physical processing by serials staff (although there are a few
> records
> with this code where serials staff is doing some processing).
> Running The Pcount Report
> Monthly:
> Login to Management
> Choose Statistical reports
> R > To enter a RANGE of Record Numbers
> Type c for check-in records (it assumes o for orders, which must be
> changed)
> Enter and III will put in the first check-in record number
> Enter again and III will put in the last check-in record number
> Is the range correct? (y/n) Y
> S > Statistical report based on SUMMATION of a fixed-length field
> Break the summation down for a selected data element? (y/n) Y
> 6 > E-Mail Printer
> Q > QUIT
> Correcting Errors
> If the pcount report has a number other than 0 beside the DO NOT COUNT
> line, someone has keyed a number of micro pieces directly into the field
> instead of properly coding the updcnt field with a letter to tell which
> type
> of micro is being counted. Run a review file to for updcnt= - and
> pcount
> greater than 0 to find these records. Update the updcnt field with the
> correct code (do not change the pcount field) and run the pcount
> statistical
> report again for the corrected numbers.
> Calculating And Recording Monthly And Quarterly Figures
> The pcount field is a running total until it is zeroed (which we choose
> to
> do annually). The monthly figures are calculated by subtracting the
> previous months total from the current total for each location (updcnt
> code). The monthly figures are recorded according to location code
> (updcnt)
> in the GP and Serials sections of the Bibliographic Services Monthly
> Activity Report. The pcount figures from the Serials section are
> combined
> (by a formula) with the number of microforms processed without a
> check-in
> record (backfiles or monographic) in the Preservation section of the
> Bibliographic Services Monthly Activity Report. The number of
> microform
> pieces processed without check-in is provided by the staff member who
> does
> the micro processing. Quarterly microform piece counts are calculated
> by
> adding the monthly figures for the quarter.
> Zeroing The Pcount Field
> Annually:
> The PCOUNT is zeroed by rapid update at the end of the Fiscal Year after
> running the monthly report. If necessary, send an email to hold
> microforms
> and standing order check-in briefly while the monthly report is produced
> and
> the zeroing is carried out. The rapid update is done on a review file
> of
> check-in records constructed by excluding (~) dash in the UPDCNT field.
> > -------- Original Message --------
> > Subject: III UPDCNT Code
> > Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 07:22:50 -0700
> > From: Manuel Urrizola <murrizol@LIB.UCI.EDU>
> >
> > I would like to hear from people who checkin materials using
> > Innovative Interfaces Millennium module and using the UPDCNT and PCOUNT
> > codes. Could you please send directly to me (I will sum up for the list)
> > the following information:
> >
> > 1. Briefly describe how you use the codes.
> > 2. Briefly describe your satisfaction with using the codes.
> > 3. Did you experience any problems using the codes?
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> > --
> > Manuel Urrizola
> > Serials Cataloging Librarian
> > UCI Libraries
> > P.O. Box 19557
> > Irvine, CA 92623-9557
> > (949) 824-3146
> > (949) 824-2059 Fax
> >
Manuel Urrizola
Serials Cataloging Librarian
UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine, CA 92623-9557
(949) 824-3146
(949) 824-2059 Fax