Re: III UPDCNT Code -- Lauren Corbett Stephen Clark 09 May 2002 15:24 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: III UPDCNT Code -- Manuel Urrizola
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 10:54:39 -0400
From: Lauren Corbett <lcorbet@EMORY.EDU>
Organization: Emory University

I'm no longer using III (changed jobs), but I used the updcnt and pcount
fields for counting microforms as well as some standing orders such as
came with pamphets where we didn't create a check-in box for each piece.

Here is the procedure I wrote for Old Dominion University in Norfolk,

Two fields in the check-in records in III control automated generation of
piece count statistics for microforms and standing orders:  the updcnt and
the pcount fields.  Updcnt controls whether or not a prompt asking for the
number of pieces appears during the check-in process and also allows
different codes for tracking a variety of locations or other selected
breakdown of the counts.  Pcount is where the actual number of pieces is
stored as a running total from the numbers entered during check-in.  The
pcount field has a cap, or limitation, due to the nature of the computer
program and the field must be reset to zero on an annual basis to avoid
reaching the upper limit.

Maintaining The Updcnt Field In Check-In Records

When creating a new check-in record for micro or standing orders, or
reactivating an old one, place the appropriate code in the UPDCNT field to
make III prompt for the piece count during the check-in process.


For:  Use:

fiche j
film k
gpfch l
gpmic m
mcfch n
mcflm o
refmf q

Standing Orders

For:         Use:

barcoded standing orders         b
pocket parts standing orders (includes advances)  p
non-barcoded standing orders (other than pocket parts)  r

The barcoded standing orders is the only one that increments by copy
automatically instead of prompting for a piece count.  The idea behind
this particular division is related to being able to calculate the
differing hours of activity associated with each type.  For example,
pocket parts take longer than any of the others because of having to stamp
and apply a call number to each piece, go to the shelves, open the books,
and pull old pocket parts and insert the new.  Non-barcoded pieces usually
take the least time because the majority are books that are cataloged
separately, resulting in zero physical processing by serials staff
(although there are a few records with this code where serials staff is
doing some processing).

Running The Pcount Report


Login to Management
Choose Statistical reports
R > To enter a RANGE of Record Numbers
Type c for check-in records (it assumes o for orders, which must be

Enter and III will put in the first check-in record number
Enter again and III will put in the last check-in record number
Is the range correct? (y/n) Y
S > Statistical report based on SUMMATION of a fixed-length field
Break the summation down for a selected data element? (y/n) Y

6 > E-Mail Printer
Correcting Errors

If the pcount report has a number other than 0 beside the – DO NOT COUNT
line, someone has keyed a number of micro pieces directly into the field
instead of properly coding the updcnt field with a letter to tell which
type of micro is being counted.  Run a review file to for updcnt= - and
pcount greater than 0 to find these records.  Update the updcnt field with
the correct code (do not change the pcount field) and run the pcount
statistical report again for the corrected numbers.

Calculating And Recording Monthly And Quarterly Figures

The pcount field is a running total until it is zeroed (which we choose to
do annually).  The monthly figures are calculated by subtracting the
previous month’s total from the current total for each location (updcnt
code). The monthly figures are recorded according to location code
(updcnt) in the GP and Serials sections of the Bibliographic Services
Monthly Activity Report. The pcount figures from the Serials section are
combined (by a formula) with the number of microforms processed without a
check-in record (backfiles or monographic) in the Preservation section of
the Bibliographic Services Monthly Activity Report.  The number of
microform pieces processed without check-in is provided by the staff
member who does the micro processing.  Quarterly microform piece counts
are calculated by adding the monthly figures for the quarter.

Zeroing The Pcount Field


The PCOUNT is zeroed by rapid update at the end of the Fiscal Year after
running the monthly report.  If necessary, send an email to hold
microforms and standing order check-in briefly while the monthly report is
produced and the zeroing is carried out.  The rapid update is done on a
review file of check-in records constructed by excluding (~) dash in the
UPDCNT field.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: III UPDCNT Code
>    Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 07:22:50 -0700
>    From: Manuel Urrizola <murrizol@LIB.UCI.EDU>
>     I would like to hear from people who checkin materials using
> Innovative Interfaces Millennium module and using the UPDCNT and PCOUNT
> codes. Could you please send directly to me (I will sum up for the list)
> the following information:
> 1. Briefly describe how you use the codes.
> 2. Briefly describe your satisfaction with using the codes.
> 3. Did you experience any problems using the codes?
> Thank you.
> --
> Manuel Urrizola
> Serials Cataloging Librarian
> UCI Libraries
> P.O. Box 19557
> Irvine, CA 92623-9557
> (949) 824-3146
> (949) 824-2059 Fax