Re: Kluwer and "free sample offers" -- Christopher Walddrop Stephen Clark 12 Apr 2002 20:57 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Kluwer and "free sample offers" -- Mark Hemhauser
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 15:54:58 -0500
From: Christopher Waldrop <Waldrop@LIBRARY.VANDERBILT.EDU>
Organization: Vanderbilt University


We haven't had the same problem you have, but we have had
numerous problems with Kluwer, particularly with our online
subscriptions. Specifically, Kluwer has sent us invoices with the
Hingham, Massachussetts office as the remit-to address, but when
months go by and our subscription hasn't been activated, we have to
contact the Netherlands office for customer service. And we can't
always get a response from the Netherlands office, or they require
proof that the check was cashed. In one case I found that they had
cashed our check ten months before I contacted them, but had never
activated our subscription.

Kluwer's biggest problem seems to be that the US and Netherlands
offices behave as though they're separate entities. Anyway, you have
my support. Good luck in getting this straightened out.

Christopher Waldrop
Serials Coordinator
Vanderbilt University Library
Order Services Department
Phone: 615-343-3831
Fax: 615-343-8834

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Kluwer and "free sample offers"
> Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 15:48:25 -0400
> From: Mark Hemhauser <mbhhbm@AMERICAN.EDU>
> Fellow Serialisters,
> We have an interesting problem with Kluwer, Netherlands office and I
> think
> it should be shared with you. It may not be limited to just us. Last
> month
> we received an issue of International Negotiation, along with an invoice
> for $60.59. We did not order it. It turns out that a professor at our
> institution says he responded to an offer for a free sample for
> scholars.
> His e-mail response to Kluwer was forwarded to me (by Kluwer) as
> evidence
> of an order being placed. In it he wrote that he would be "grateful to
> receive..." and included his address, not ours. Kluwer sent the issue to
> the library and billed us! The North American office is of no use to us
> as
> they claim only the Netherlands office can handle it since they
> generated
> the invoice. I asked Gea Markvoordt at Kluwer (Netherlands) to please
> correct the billing and shipping address in their system. She said it
> could
> not be done. Our professor does not want the issue for $60.59. He
> returned
> it to me and suggested that the library should handle it since our name
> is
> on the invoice. Not a surprise.
> I have since contacted Kluwer to tell them that we would neither pay for
> the issue or pay to return it and the same for the professor. They have
> not
> responded. I really expected a response along the lines of "keep it and
> we'll cancel the invoice." Lacking any response from them I can only
> assume
> the invoice is still on the books and we are going to have to keep
> fighting
> it. So I am enlisting your support. If you have had a similar problem
> with
> Kluwer, even if it was resolved satisfactorily, and if you still have
> the
> evidence, I would very much like to hear from you.
> Also, be warned, if you receive a stray issue from Kluwer with an
> invoice,
> look into it carefully before paying.
> Thank you.
> Mark Hemhauser
> American University Library--Serials
> 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW
> Washington, DC 20016-8046

Christopher Waldrop
Serials Coordinator
Vanderbilt University Library
Order Services Department
Tel: 615-343-3831
Fax: 615-343-8834