ILL/DDS (Fatme Charafeddine)
Fatme Charafeddine 14 Mar 2002 14:30 UTC
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 15:46:57 -0800
From: fatmeh <fc01@AUB.EDU.LB>
Subject: ill/dds
Not a Serials question. Can you help anyway?
What is the difference between the terms
Inter-Library Loan services and Document Delivery Services when it comes
to journal articles exchange between two or more libraries?
Fatme Charafeddine
Serials Librarian/Jafet Library
American University of Beirut
PO Box 11-0236
Beirut Lebanon
Fax 961 1 744 703
Tel. 961 1 350 000 (2608)