Re: Date in 260 |c and fixed field (Steve Shadle) Steve Shadle 12 Mar 2002 19:33 UTC

Date:         Tue, 12 Mar 2002 11:10:37 -0800
From:         Steve Shadle <shadle@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Date in 260 |c and fixed field (Laura Morrison)

Laura -- The fixed field dates correspond to the coverage dates presented
in the 362 Electronic coverage note per CONSER Cataloging Manual 31.10
(see the last sentence below):

When cataloging an online version or reproduction of a printed serial,
prefer a "description based on" note if the online version does not begin
with the first issue of the print version. However, provide a note (362 1)
to indicate the coverage of the digitized serial at the time of cataloging
(LCRI 12.7B8).

362 1  Electronic coverage as of July 16, 1997: Vol. 30, no. 1 (May 1989)-

By using such wording, hopefully patrons will realize that additional
holdings may have been added if they are viewing the record some time
later.  The designation given in such a note and that given in the
"Description based on" will initially be the same; however, if earlier
issues are subsequently converted for online access, information in the
362 may be changed as catalogers become aware of it, without the need to
change the description.  In the fixed fields, give the beginning date of
coverage and update when making changes to the 362 note.

This follows the general serials cataloging practice of fixed field dates
corresponding to issue dates (362) rather than publication dates (260).
Hope this helps.  --Steve

Steve Shadle

Laura Morrison <morriso@CLEMSON.EDU> wrote:
> My question is the same as the original poster.  When cataloging a remote
> access serial for a journal title that is issued in print and electronic
> formats, what is the correct date to use?  Are the dates in the 260 field
> and the fixed field the same?  Are they the date the print issue started or
> the date of the earliest issue that is accessible online?  I thought I had
> read somewhere that the 260 |c date corresponds with the date in the fixed
> field, and the date should be updated whenever earlier issues are made
> accessible online.