Date in 260 |c and fixed field (Laura Morrison)
Laura Morrison 12 Mar 2002 18:00 UTC
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:39:03 -0500
From: Laura Morrison <morriso@CLEMSON.EDU>
Subject: Date in 260 |c and fixed field
Hello everyone,
I am fairly new to the serials cataloging world. I have encountered a
question that I have not been able to locate an answer for. A search of
the Serialst archives resulted in one posting regarding the date in the 260
|c and the fixed field date.
I have searched CONSER Cataloging and Editing manuals, Nancy Olson's
publication _Cataloging Internet Resources_, and LCRI. I have not been
able to determine a clear answer for this question.
My question is the same as the original poster. When cataloging a remote
access serial for a journal title that is issued in print and electronic
formats, what is the correct date to use? Are the dates in the 260 field
and the fixed field the same? Are they the date the print issue started or
the date of the earliest issue that is accessible online? I thought I had
read somewhere that the 260 |c date corresponds with the date in the fixed
field, and the date should be updated whenever earlier issues are made
accessible online.
Any insight on this issue would be greatly appreciated. TIA.
Laura S. Morrison
Serials Copy Cataloger
Clemson University Libraries
Box 343001
Clemson, SC 29634-3001
Phone: 864.656.5171
Fax: 864.656.3025