Re: Serials & Electronic Resources Cataloging Trainings (Jane A. Myers) Marcia Tuttle 11 Mar 2002 14:52 UTC

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Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:48:37 -0500
From: Jane A. Myers <myersj1@OPLIN.LIB.OH.US>
Subject: Re: Serials & Electronic Resources Cataloging Trainings (Lea

This address provides a link to the OCLC course on cataloging internet
resources, which is very good and recently updated to reflect changes to AACR2.

Jane Myers
Westlake Porter Public Library
Westlake, Ohio

> Dear All,
> I am looking for some web-based or online trainings on serials and/or
> electronic resources cataloging. Can someone gave me a good info on this
> please? I just recently assumed the position of an Electronic Resources &
> Serials Librarian in our Library, and I want to gain more insight on this.