Horizon publication patterns (Noreen Fish) Marcia Tuttle 08 Mar 2002 21:57 UTC

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Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 13:49:34 -0600
From: Noreen <n.fish@LACROSSE.LIB.WI.US>
Subject: Horizon publication patterns

We've recently migrated from Dynix to Horizon and I'm having trouble
setting up publication patterns that work for:

    1)    Newspapers that publish Monday thru Saturday/Sunday, i.e. the
weekend issue is a combined date.
    2)    Quarterlies where the first issue in the calendar year is the
Spring issue rather than Winter.

Are there any other Horizon libraries out there who might be able to
tell me what they've done?

Noreen Fish                e-mail: n.fish@lacrosse.lib.wi.us
La Crosse Public Library      phone:  (608) 789-7144
800 Main Street               fax:  (608) 789-7161
La Crosse, WI  54601