Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (5 messages)
Marcia Tuttle 05 Mar 2002 22:50 UTC
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:33:03 -0500
From: "Grant, Teresa" <Teresa.Grant@EKU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (ISSN
0735-1968) (Peter Washkevich)
We received notification from our subscription service (Ebsco)back in
January that the print would no longer be available only through ONLINE.
Teresa Grant
Team Leader Serials/Binding
Eastern Kentucky University Libraries
521 Lancaster Ave.
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859) 622-1783
Fax: (859) 622-1174
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 14:51:37 -0500
From: "Washkevich, Peter" <washkevich@MARSHALL.EDU>
Subject: Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (ISSN 0735-1968)
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (ISSN 0735-1968)
Can anyone tell me if this is still available as a print journal, or is it
online only?
Peter Washkevich / Marshall University
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:51:56 -0500
From: "DuBose, Stefanie" <DUBOSES@MAIL.ECU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (ISSN 0735-1968
) (Peter Washkevich)
Hi Peter,
One of our faculty members received an email from the publisher indicating
that it is now online only, but that's the only notification I've had. I've
already contacted our vendor to assure access.
Stefanie DuBose
Serials Librarian
Collection Development, Joyner Library
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
(p) 252-328-2598
(f) 252-328-4834
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:06:52 -0600
From: Carol Green <Carol.Green@USM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (ISSN
0735-1968) (Peter Washkevich)
I received notification from Ebsco that the print is no longer available
and it is being published online only.
Carol D. Green
Serials Librarian, Associate Professor
The University of Southern Mississippi
USM Libraries
Box 5053
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5053
(601) 266-4476 (601) 266-6033 fax
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:21:12 -0600
Subject: Re: Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (ISSN 0735-1968
) (Peter Washkevich)
We heard from our rep at EBSCO that is no longer being published in print.
It will only be available online. And the price jumped almost 100%!
Susan Schleicher
Library Technician
Serials Department
Box 2115
Briggs Library
South Dakota State University
Brookings SD 57007-1098
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 16:36:22 -0600
From: Robin Harris <rharris@UWF.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (ISSN
0735-1968) (Peter Washkevich)
It is only available on-line. The print format ended with v.19.
Robin Harris/ UWF Library