New Statesman (Anne Liebst) Marcia Tuttle 04 Mar 2002 15:54 UTC

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Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 09:24:51 -0600
From: Anne Liebst <aliebst@BUMAIL.BAKERU.EDU>
Subject: New Statesman

Has anyone noticed a numbering error in New Statesman?  Feb. 4, 2002 is
v.131 n.4573 as is Feb. 11, 2002.  Feb. 18 is v.131 n. 4574 and so on.
Usually publishers have a way of correcting themselves, but that doesn't
seem to be the case here.

Sorry if this has already been a topic.

Anne Liebst
Government Documents/Periodicals Librarian
Baker University
Mabee Memorial Hall
Collins Library -- 2nd Floor
605 Sixth Street
P.O. Box 65
Baldwin City, KS  66006-0065
(785) 594-8389
(785) 594-6721 (fax)