Re: Putting JSTOR and MUSE in OCLC (Allison Mays) Marcia Tuttle 14 Feb 2002 14:53 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 08:33:29 -0600
From: "Mays, Allison" <maysap@MILLSAPS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Putting JSTOR and MUSE in OCLC (Susan C. Shelly)

Susan -

I have 2 words for you: Serials Solutions.  It's a small company in Seattle
that creates a list of all of your e-journals from whatever
aggregator/vendor that supplies them.  We have been putting in records for
JSTOR and Project Muse titles, but I agree that it's time-consuming. If I
had it to do over again, I'm not sure I would do it because it's redundant
with the SS list. Take a look at our list at - click on
the letters to see how the list looks.   We elected to include our print
titles; it was a bit of a pain but we felt it was worth it.  You tell SS
which aggregators (Proquest, JSTOR, Muse) you subscribe to and they go in
with their magic software and pull all of those titles into one, nice, neat
list with the dates of covereage.  You get an updated report every 2 months,
and you can get it in print and HTML; other formats are available also.
Check out their website at
I guarantee it'll be the best money you've spent in awhile!

Serials Solutions is a fabulous company to deal with and the price is very
reasonable.  If you want more information or explanation, let me know.

Allison P. Mays
Acquisitions Librarian
Millsaps College
1701 N. State Street
Jackson, MS 39210

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcia Tuttle []
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 7:43 AM
Subject: Putting JSTOR and MUSE in OCLC (Susan C. Shelly)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 08:22:47 -0500
From: Susan C Shelly <susancs@GOSHEN.EDU>
Subject: putting JSTOR and MUSE in OCLC

I am posting this question to COLLIB and Serialst so please forgive any

When we receive word of new JSTOR or MUSE titles and new issues,  our
Periodicals Coordinator has entered this all into our catalog and checklist
of periodicals, and she has also entered this into our holdings for OCLC
(and therefore makes them known for ILL).  This is quite a laborious
process and it means she goes through the list of new stuff twice.  Our
current systems do not allow for a nice big electronic transfer of this
info.   In quietly asking around, I get the impression that not all
academic libraries enter these holdings for OCLC because it is so

I am new to my serials position and I'm not sure what is typically
done.  Can you tell me what you are doing and / or what the general trend

Susan Capps Shelly
Librarian, Serials and Services
Good Library
1700 South Main Street
Goshen, Indiana 46526