Call for Papers and Participants - Conferences, Libraries and Cultural Tours in China (fwd) Sally C. Tseng 04 Feb 2002 12:43 UTC

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to send you the following exciting information on library
conferences, visiting libraries and cultural tours from Mid-July to Early
August 2002 in China.  The themes are very relevant to the members on the
list.  This may be one of your dreams to become a reality.

The good news is that when you become a member of the Chinese American
Librarians Association (CALA) you will receive special discounts when you
join CALA Delegation for these Conferences.  You do not have to be a
Chinese or Chinese Americans to participate in these activities. Everyone
is welcome.  This is the third year that CALA has organized Delegation to
attend Conferences in China.  Last year, a group of 30 CALA delegates
(many are caucasians) presented more than 10 papers in China and some
delegates brought their family with them.  We had enjoyed a magnificent

Please look at the conferences and tours below and let me know if you are
interested.  I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

Sally C. Tseng,
CALA Executive Director
(My contacting information is at the end of this message)


Call for Papers:

Paper must be in English.

1.  Digital Library IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millennium,
July 9 to 11, 2002 in Beijing, China.  This event is being organized and
coordinated by the National Library of China and the Office of the China
Digital Library Project (CDLP). Topics:
 a.   DL theory, framework, and model
 b.  Production, preservation, service, and management of digital
resources (including ancient books and literature)
 c.   Organization and development of digital libraries
 d.   Standards for digital libraries
 e.  DL research collaboration, cooperation and resource sharing DL
related technologies (including advanced DL techniques, system
architectures, application platforms, and requirements and systems for
addressing resource management, user services, and security issues)
 f.  Operating models for digital libraries (including funding issues,
managerial structure, and model for sustainability)
 g.    Intellectual property and copyright issues


Full paper submissions should be received by March 31, 2002.

Registration Fee: (fee include conference package, lunch and reception)
                      Before and on May 31: US$200.00
                      After May 31: US$250.00
                      Additional 15% service charges for payment by credit card.

Library Services:  International Cooperation, July 15-18, 2002, Shanghai
Library, Shanghai, China.  This event is to celebrate the 50th anniversary
of the Shanghai Library.

Call for papers and participants.

The Forum will address the following main issues:

a. Knowledge management
b. Reference services in the network environment
c. Library consortia and resource sharing

Librarians and scholars interested in knowledge management and library
services are cordially invited to give presentations on these topics.
The deadline for submitting the presentation title and abstract is 28
February 2002.  The full paper must be received by Sally Tseng before
April 30, 2002

The programs are an excellent opportunity to learn about successful
digital library projects, knowledge management and organization, virtual
reference services and collaborative efforts in the electronic age. It
also provides an excellent opportunity for the attendees to discuss
issues, and to share information with colleagues worldwide.  The
Conference also provides great tours for us to see the beautiful country
in China.

Registration fee is US$ 300 (fee includes Conference package, three days
meals, refreshment, receptions and tour)


Special Discount Registration Fee to CALA Delegates is: US$240 per person
Special Discount Registration Fee to CALA Speakers is:  US$200 per person
Registration Fee for CALA Delegate's spouse, relatives and friends who do
not attend the Forum is:  US$150 per person

Hotels:  Approx. US$35-80 per day (twin beds, some include breakfast,
rooms are limited - first come first serve).

3.   2002 CSLS Preconference and Workshop, Xian, July 23-25, 2002

Call for papers and trainers for:

a.  Preconference on Public Library, July 23, 2002
b.  SCCTP Electronic Serials Cataloging Workshop, July 24-25, 2002

4. CSLS Annual Conference, Xian, China, Shaanxi Provincial Library, July
26-29, 2002

Call for papers and participants (paper may be in Chinese and/or English):

Theme:  Knowledge at the Economic Age and the Trend in Library Development

a.  Library and Intellectual Property after Joining WTO
b.  The Creation and Research of Digital Library
c.  The Building of Library Information Resources
d.  Model of Library Services and Users' Needs
e.  Library and Social Responsibility and Function
f.  Library Management and Innovation
g.  Library School Curricula and New Development

For the first time, Papers from CALA Delegates can compete with other
authors for the finest papers of the year.  Please submit US$10 as
evaluation and processing fee.  Papers will not be considered if the
evaluation fee is not included.  Selected authors will be awarded a
certificate and a copy of the Proceedings.

Full paper is due to Sally Tseng by March 15, 2002.

Registration Fee:  US$180 (fee includes Conference package, meals and tour)

Special Discount Registration Fee to

*       CALA Members Who Join CALA Delegation is: US$150 per person
*       CALA Delegate's spouse, relatives and friends who do not attend the
        Forum is:  US$80 per person
*       Hotel:  US$40 per day (rooms are limited - first come first serve).

5.  Post Conference Library and Cultural Tour - Silk Road Tour: Xian,
Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Tulufan, Urumqi.  Exciting opportunities to explore the
magnificent Northwestern China and study its arts, antiquities,
civilization, culture and people. (Price will be available in the future)

These back to back July 2002 conferences will provide you and your
families exciting and cultural tours to China.

To Receive these Special Discounts, you must join CALA Delegation.
Please contact:

Sally C. Tseng
CALA Executive Director
Chinese American Librarians Association
Head, Serials Cataloging
Science Library
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92623
Tel.:  949-824-6832
Fax:  949-857-1988

Join CALA today!  You do not have to be a Chinese American Librarians to
become a member.  Membership Application Form is in the Attachment.
Annual Membership Fee is ONLY US$30.

*** Please Share This Call for Papers and Participants with Your
Colleagues.  Thank you.  ***