Serials Librarian's Psalm (was Re: Hooray for pub patt change)
Jodith Janes 17 Jan 2002 20:13 UTC
Could this be it? I saved it when it appeared in 2000. I do hope it
helps make life a little brighter.
Jodith Janes
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Alumni Library
9500 Euclid Avenue NA30
Cleveland, OH 44195
--------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 13:06:01 -0500
From: "Skwor, Jeanette" <skworj@UWGB.EDU>
Subject: Time for a break . . .
. . . and a smile. I was given this by a coworker in library school. It
was included in her textbook, Developing Library and Information Center
Collections, in, of course, the chapter on serials.
The publisher is my tormentor. I shall not smile:
He maketh me to work all day at my desk.
He leadeth me astray with misnumbered issues:
His Roman numerals confoundeth me:
He changeth titles over and over for His own sake.
Yea, when I walk through the shadow of missing or irregular
issues, I can find no respite, for He has moved.
He answereth not my letters, nor useth the correct mailing label;
He starteth not when I ask and quiteth before it is time;
My work never endeth.
Rising prices and duplicate issues shall follow me all the days of
my life
And I shall moan and groan in the library forever.
>>> anlce@UAA.ALASKA.EDU 01/17/02 12:57PM >>>
Carol Feustel <FEUSTECS@UCMAIL.UC.EDU> wrote:
> "The Publisher is my Tormentor, I shall not smile" [ from the Serials
> Librarian's Psalm]
Where can I find the Serials Librarian's Psalm? We are working on
entering our last two hundred titles into DRA--all problems, of course--
and pulling our hair out. Any humor at this point would be greatly
L. Christine Ericson
Serials Assistant
Consortium Library
University of Alaska Anchorage
3211 Providence Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508