ALA Midwinter: Catalog Management Discussion Group topic announcement Rebecca Mugridge 15 Jan 2002 15:35 UTC

Please join the ALCTS CCS Catalog Management Discussion Group for a lively presentation and
discussion on the topic of MARC holdings and their implications for catalog management.

Robert Alan, Head of the Serials Department at Pennsylvania State
University, will present on "MARC Holdings Implementation and Maintenance

A managed discussion will follow.

The meeting will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2:00-4:00, in the Le
Meridien Hotel, Ile de France I Room.

The Catalog Management Discussion Group's charge is "To discuss the various
issues involved with cataloging, classification, and authority control
after the initial cataloging has been performed. The group will provide a
forum for exchanging information and discussing techniques, new
developments, and problems in managing the bibliographic integrity of
library catalogs."

We look forward to seeing you there!

Rebecca L. Mugridge, Chair, Catalog Management Discussion Group
Linda Ballinger, Chair-Elect, Catalog Management Discussion Group
Rebecca L. Mugridge
Head of Cataloging Services
Penn State University Libraries
126 Paterno Library
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 865-1755
Fax: (814) 863-7293