ALA Midwinter Meeting Announcement: ALCTS SS Journals in Research Libraries DG Christa Easton 12 Jan 2002 00:46 UTC


ALCTS SS Journals in Research Libraries Discussion Group

Saturday, January *19*, 9:30-11:00am
Marriott New Orleans
Balcony L


A lot of smart and talented people have wrestled with the question of how
to help patrons navigate their libraries' electronic journal holdings, but
no clear best practice has emerged.  In this dynamic time, there are not
established experts to turn to.  Instead, the Journals in Research
Libraries DG will focus on this topic with attendees in the role of
experts.  The session will include a variety of formats (but no role
playing, I promise!) to outline the current state of the landscape and the
desired future.

Some potential topics for discussion:

�       What discovery tools are you providing for ejournals?
        o       OPAC
        o       Web page
        o       A combination

�       How are you creating and maintaining records/pages for e-journals
        o       Data hosted by vendor?
        o       Data purchased from a vendor and hosted locally?
        o       Data created locally and hosted locally?

�       If you're doing work locally, what tools are you using? (E.g. Access, Oracle)

�      To what extent are you tracking titles in aggregated databases
       (E.g. Academic Universe)?

�      Where are we heading?  What are the most desirable means of
       informing patrons about a library's electronic journal titles?

�      What services do we need from vendors (including our subscription
       agents) to reach desirable outcomes?

I hope that all meeting attendees will come prepared to participate,
discuss the current situation, speak their concerns and opinions, and
suggest steps to take to reach our desired future.

Christa Easton
Coordinator, Digital Acquistions
and Serials
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
(650) 723-7907
(650) 723-4775 (fax)