Looking for DuPont NEN Notes (Jane Burke)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 07 Jan 2002 22:51 UTC
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 17:16:45 -0500
From: "Burke, Jane" <jane_burke@GROTON.PFIZER.COM>
Subject: looking for DuPont NEN Notes
**Please reply directly to Jane Burke, not to SERIALST. Thanks -- ed.
A client is trying to locate an article by Barbara S Slusher entitled
"NAALADase: A Potential Regulator of Synaptic Glutamate." It was published
in DuPont NEN Notes, Spring, 1994. Does anyone have this title and
particular issue and would be willing to provide us with a copy? Thanks.
Jane D. Burke
Serials Librarian
Groton Laboratories
Pfizer Inc
PGRD Library
MS 8118-05
Eastern Point Road
Groton CT 06340
(860) 441-0683 (voice)
(860) 441-8519 (fax)