Re: Industry Week hijinks (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 30 Jan 2002 23:17 UTC

4 messages, 102 lines:

Date:         Wed, 30 Jan 2002 12:45:11 -0800
From:         Mina Muessigmann <minamues@MAIL.SDSU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Industry Week hijinks


A number of publishers do this dastardly thing--they issue a combined
issue at the end of the year (with numbering for the earlier volume only),
but when their first issue of the next volume comes out--they call it
no.2! Blast them!

Another title that does this is Billboard. Our microfiche supplier films
the combined issue twice--once at the end of the earlier year/volume,
again at the beginning of the new year/volume. They had us confused for
awhile because our fiche was coming in beginning with no.1, when no.1 was
not really published as such.

Mina Muessigmann
San Diego State University Library

At 03:16 PM 01/30/2002 -0500, Max Shenk wrote:
>Hello all....
>Is our library missing an issue of INDUSTRY WEEK or are their last two
>issues misnumbered?
>To wit...
>Vol 250, No. 15 -- December 2001/January 2002
>(per their masthead--"published monthly except combined December-Janaury
>issue mailed in December")
>Vol 251, No. 2 -- February 2002
>As Manuel said in FAWLTY TOWERS, "que?"
>Max Shenk
>Periodicals Assistant
>Montgomery County Community College Library
>Blue Bell, PA

Date:         Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:23:42 -0600
From:         Jeanette Skwor <skworj@UWGB.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Industry Week hijinks

***My thought was that the combined January issue is the unnumbered number
one.  However, you're right - the website shows an article from the Jan.
16, 2002 issue.  OTOH, none of the library's I normally search for issues
has it.

***So, we're left guessing?

Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI  54311-7001

Date:         Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:30:17 -0600
From:         Jeanette Skwor <skworj@UWGB.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Industry Week hijinks

Just a quick note to say I clicked on the "feedback" link on their
website, and asked if they did or did not publish vol. 251 #1, Jan. 16,
2002, issue, and if so, to please consider that query a claim.

Perhaps if more of us do that, they will be a little more
alert/aware next time?

Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept.
Cofrin Library
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
(920) 465-2670

Date:         Wed, 30 Jan 2002 16:35:20 -0500
From:         Veronique Montes-Baffier <montesbaffi@FORDHAM.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Industry Week hijinks


Thank you for the information!

Veronique Montes-Baffier
Serials Librarian
Fordham University