SCTPG workshop on serials holdings Yvonne W. Zhang 29 Jan 2002 20:48 UTC

The Southern California Technical Processes Group (SCTPG) is proud to
announce that it will present a two day SCCTP workshop on Serial Holdings.

      This course provides the basic principles of creating holdings
records and publication patterns. All materials are based on the MARC 21
Format for Holdings Data (MFHD) and ANSI/NISO Z39.71--1999. The course
includes background information on why holdings are important and a brief
description of the development of the standards and instructions and
exercises on creating formatted and free text holdings and publication
patterns. The instructions and exercises are system-neutral but the course
includes time for discussion of local system implementation. The course is
designed for those who are new to the MARC Holdings Format, including
those who have created holdings records using other mechanisms (e.g.,
OCLC's local data record). It is designed primarily for those who will
create holdings records but is also useful for managers and system
designers wishing to know more about the format and its uses.

Workshop Instructors:

Sally Tseng, Head, Serials Cataloging at University of California, Irvine
Julie Su, Digital Resources/Serials Librarian at San Diego State University
Catherine Nelson, Head, Serials Department at University of California,
Santa Barbara.

           University of California, Irvine
           Science Library, Room SL 104.
           Irvine, California 92697

Registration forms, maps, and the full announcement are available at the
SCTPG web site:

From: Yvonne W. Zhang <ywzhang@CSUPOMONA.EDU>