Re: Pamphlet files, vertical files -policies
John D. Crissinger 29 Jan 2002 15:06 UTC
I am still a supporter of pamphlet files (hate the name "vertical" files).
I believe they need to be reconsidered in purpose/mission, but I strongly
believe they still have value. We do not bookmark public terminals so how
do patrons find all those wonderful websites we keep coming across? Seems
like a printed home page filed in the pamhlet file would be effective.
Same with those single issue journals that have a wonderful article for
our campus, but no hope of ever having the whole run in our collection.
Also a good way to advertise special issues of journals, dropping a copy
of their table-of-contents in the file (and no, the indexes do not help
here, I have a number of law and medical issues that will never be found
in Periodical Abstracts or its cousins). And, if you don't have a separate
map collection (too bad), then pam files provide a home for maps and the
associated travel literature. I have yet to see internet maps able to
completely replace paper ones. Bottom line, we will be keeping ours, but
significantly redirecting its mission. ...John
John D. Crissinger
Neward Campus Library
1179 University Dr.
Neward, OH 43055
Tele: 740-366-9306
Fax: 740-366-9264
At 04:26 PM 1/25/2002 -0500, Patricia Fazio wrote:
>A few months ago there was a discussion on this list about where people
>file maps. Some people said that they put them in their pamphlet file or
>vertical file. Our library recently discontinued our vertical file, but
>we have found over the intervening months that there are items we receive
>that are too small to stand on regular bookshelves. We are considering
>reopening our vertical file, but with modifications (a nod to documents on
>the Web). My question is: what are other libraries doing with their
>vertical collections? Keeping them? Rewriting their policies?
>Any comments appreciated.
>Patricia Fazio
>Collection Development Librarian
>Camden County College
>Blackwood, NJ 08012